Direct Physical Asset

Direct Physical Assets

Direct Physical Asset

Direct Physical Asset

In 2013 Nike Foundation, worked with the design agency Fuse Project to develop and design “Direct Physical Assets” for girls.

What She Says She Needs

What She Says She Needs

Among assets that girls require, such as social and financial, girls often express the need for direct physical assets or tools to help them in their everyday life.

Unmet Need

Unmet Need

But no one is designing physical assets for girls or designing for scale.

4 Concepts

4 Concepts

We developed an efficient super stove, a reusable sanitary napkin, a solar powered light, and a simple sewing machine.



We developed prototypes of the concepts and tested them in the local community.

Human Centered Design

Human Centered Design

We listened to what girls and the communities had to say and understood what concepts brought value to their lives and why.

Sanitary Napkin

Sanitary Napkin

Overwhelming communities and girls wanted a sewing machine, however when we looked deeper girls said they needed a reusable sanitary napkin.